Great Britain
I've started on some projects in the UK. I'm working with the folks at the University of Leeds on a graphic novel depicting life in England in 200 years--with an…
I've started on some projects in the UK. I'm working with the folks at the University of Leeds on a graphic novel depicting life in England in 200 years--with an…
This map has been updated! Check out my other sea rise maps, or see the original--Burrito Justice & Brian Stokle's map of San Francisco. For all of these maps, I am not portraying any…
...that is, Husky Stadium before it was Husky Stadium. Here are plans and drawings for the University of Washington Associated Students Stadium, by Bebb & Gould, 1920. I love the narrow,…
This map shows 40 meters of sea level rise. Only 2/3 of the world’s ice sheets melted to produce this archipelago.
You thought you were safe in your desert resort?
As the oceans rise, the Gulf of California will inundate the Imperial Valley, and finally reach its ultimate level in the Coachella Valley. I imagine there will be far fewer golf courses, but hey, plenty of opportunities for yacht moorage!
Perched at the western edge of the Fraser Sea, the Vancouver Archipelago holds what remains of a great western city.
While at the UW, I created a set of heat maps showing the density of responses to our Campus Landscape Framework survey. The survey asked a number of questions about the…
"Morphogenesis of a Philadelphia City Block" The first time I mapped out a historical geography was as a young SFSU undergrad. I recently came across this project while looking for old photos…
Xeni Jardin at Boing Boing posted this video of some old friends of mine from way back. Laden with nostalgia, I found these in some old boxes of negatives. I just scanned and uploaded…
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