Petrofuture at NACIS
My presentation at NACIS 2023 has been uploaded to youTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-NJbU1vusU In retrospect, I’d emphasize the contrast between the nostalgia invoked by the vintage
Conspiracy Theories
My presentation at NACIS 2023 has been uploaded to youTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-NJbU1vusU In retrospect, I’d emphasize the contrast between the nostalgia invoked by the vintage
I’m honored to have my work included in this year’s You Are Here, the Journal of Creative Geography. I’m in some amazing, talented, creative company.
Petrofuture Oregon….Gas station road maps are one of my favorite bits of ephemeral Americana. As a kid, I would often spend hours tracing out imagined
Back in Seattle again…. I’m mashing up these old bits of gas station Americana with the sea level rise that fossil fuels will ultimately cause.
Paris and Île-de-France … the Retrofuture map. Après moi, le déluge … mixing up 66m of sea level rise with this 1740 map… Environs De
San Francisco Bay Petrofuture…the Chevron map.Chevron has a huge presence in and around the SF Bay, so it’s a pleasure to base this on their
California … the Petrofuture map. At 218’ of sea level rise, California’s Central Valley will become a vast inland bay. The Sea of Cortes will
Petrofuture map for the Mid-Atlantic states… This shows 66m of sea level rise with a vintage Shell Oil gas station map base. 1956 map of
New England Petrofuture…The New England states become a literal island unto themselves as the ocean rises into the Hudson River Valley. This shows 66m of
How many billions of dollars have oil corporations spent on greenwashing? In my own small way, I’m using parody to counter that, and associate their
If the burning of fossil fuels ultimately leads to all the ice caps melting, 66 meters of sea level rise would be the result. Let’s see what oil corporations are causing, using their own maps.
Introducing the Petrofuture map series. These are similar to the Retrofuture series, but I’m adding 66 meters of sea level rise to vintage oil corporation
Here is the Napa Valley edition of the Retrofuture Series maps. Say goodbye to your jammy Zinfandels and structured Cabernets. This is the restored 1902
California Retrofuture…a 1879 Department of the Interior map with 218’ of sea level rise—if all the world’s ice caps melted. I’ve added modern shaded terrain
The sprawling arms of Lake Powell were once the side-canyons of Glen Canyon. This map shows what the canyon looked like before being filled by
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