Bay of LA

This map has been updated!

Here’s the old Bay of LA map.


See Burrito Justice’s map of San Francisco.
This will happen someday, but not in our lifetimes. Some who have dared to speculate on a timeline have given themselves plenty of space for error in their predictions–one estimate says anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 years. Whatever the time frame, it is a fact that humans are speeding up this process.

The IPCC has estimated that the total rise would be about 215′. I am not portraying any sea level rise higher than what is possible.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Kat

    I’m curious: what of the surrounding valleys (San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, etc)?

    1. Jeffrey

      The only part of the San Gabriel Valley that floods is the “Gulf of San Gabriel” shown on the map. The San Fernando Valley is above the high mark for sea level rise.

      The Oxnard Plain, however, wouldn’t fare so well, although I haven’t looked closely at this area.

      You can do a rough model yourself—

  2. Matt

    “Straight Outta Compton” – well done!

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